Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Blog Envy? Moi?
What kind of word is that? And just how does it describe my online journal? To me it sounds like a word a child made up some at some time and some parent thought it was cute. I must have asked where it came from at least a hundred times on my MySpace blog, but never got an answer. That is until my daughter educated me. Kids now days... they think they know everything!
Web Log. Shortened for our convenience to Blog. Not weblog, just blog. I think I prefer OnJour. Add your own French accent. Sounds so much more romantic, eh? OnJour. OnlineJournal. Welcome to my OnJour.
And now I've been a blogger for several years. I have many I enjoy reading, back on MySpace, but they are becoming few and far between. For some reason there seems to be a mass exodus from MS... could it be they have become not-so-user-friendly? I'd say so... they completely disabled my link to this blog. Afraid of a little competition "Tom?"
Forgive me for my digressions. This is supposed to be a blog about blog envy. A not so new concept but a form of mental disease that I apparently suffer from. It's not that other bloggers are more interesting and more creative and talented writers than I am. I do recognize that. It's that they have more readers and subscribers and I covet that! Somehow, despite the fact that the two are directly proportionaly related, I want those readers (and their comments), whether I am cute & clever and/or talented or not.
Blog Envy.
Google it. It's out there.
I'm going to link you to an actual post about blog envy and getting over it.
See here? I'm even giving other bloggers more traffic!!
Now I'm off to clean house... I'm having a Tastefully Simple party in mid-March. Yes, it's gonna take me that long!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My New Toy
So I got online and did a little research... emphasis on little... and decided to give the little handy dandy machine a chance. So I popped on over to Walgreens and picked one up. I needed to pick up Harriett's prescription anyway, so what the hey?
This is what the little cutie patootie looks like:

Gosh, I think I probably should have stamped those birdies some eyes, right?
So now I will critique my new little sewer... er... SEW'er.
Don't. Buy. One. Not even for $20.00. Not even for these little paper projects. Why, you ask? Because there is not an ounce of versatility to this machine. Zero, zilch, nada.
There is only one stitch
The is only one length of stitch
It may not seem like a very big deal, and in reality, it's probably not crucial to the *important things in my life,* but I think I'd rather haul out the old treadle. The length of the stitch is 10 per inch. I think a longer stitch would show up much better, and when using colorful threads, the colors would be more evident, too. And if you really want your stitching to show up, a zig zag stitch is a must.
Like so many of my kids toys over the years, this is one that will be played with only a little bit and then probably find itself in the back of the craft closet, the bottom of the toy chest. It's nowhere near being a Buzz Lightyear or a Woody. It's more like a pet rock.I couldn't leave my little birdies without eyes... This is the final version after adding eyes and a little bling & 'dorns. Despite the stitching, I really like how it turned out! Also the color is far more accurate when photo'd during day light hours!
* ~ ** ~ *** ~ ** ~ *
Close To My Heart(TM) products used in this project:
My Acrylix(R): "Bird Basics" D1338, $22.95, page 65 Spring 2009 Idea Book (Set of 22)
My Reflections(R) Level 2 Paper Pack: "Daydream" X7018B, $12.95, page 29 Spring 2009 Idea Book (10 - 12"x12" Cardstock Sheets: 2 ea. of 3 colors & 4 neutrals; 12 - 12"x12" B&T Duos: 2 ea. of 6 patterns)
You can purchase these items and much much more at my Close To My Heart(TM) website at paperboutique.myctmh.com
Friday, February 20, 2009
10 Things I Love About You

Inside front cover: The quote was also something I altered to better fit my needs. The paper packet used for this project is called "That's Amore."

Page 1: The number one, again a Dimensional Element, sponged and then stamped for texture. These are old photos that I scanned and sent to Walgreens to print. I love printing out photos in the wallet sizes to use in my layouts!

Page 3: Isn't my husband a cutie? TAKEN!! The bird is stamped from the "Love Language" stamp set. Very cute!!

Page 10 (d): ...and here we are a family of four! It was hard to stop with only "10 Things I Love About You." Maybe next year I'll do 11 through 20. My husband took this little book into the office with him. I doubt I'll ever see it again before he retires.
My New BlogSpot
So the next few days will be spent designing and producing a layout that reflect my tastes and hopefully, a few people will begin to find me here, feel my passion & 'fever' for crafting, and keep in touch.
*...and so she begins*